

Mi-a inflorit si mie gardenia, cumparata in martie.
Imi este tare ce parfum...... :D

Dar ma ingrijoreaza o chestie. Floarea are niste pete pe marginile petalelor, ceva ca niste arsuri. O fi si din cauza ca am pulverizat cu apa un picut si pe floare ? ce parere aveti?

Mi-a scapat faza cu deschidarea petalelor, stiam acum cateva saptamani ca are un bobocel dar nici n-am remarcat ca bobocelul s-a facut asa mare.



Aura, da, eu zic ca e de la apa. E frumoasa, sa ai parte de ea!
Bobocii se deschid repede, dupa ce au inceput sa se vada portiunile albe.


Well-Known Member
uau!!!! Nu cred ca am vazut pana acum o gardenie atat de frumoasa!!!
Felicitari, Abi!!


E un copacel excelent! Imi inchipui cat de puternic e parfumul, de la atatea flori.... :visator: De unde ai achizitionat-o?


New Member

In afara de cea mare mai am 4 mici fiecare avand varsta de 2 ani.le am adus din Liban unde toate gardeniile sunt altoite si se fac pomi.ajung si la 3 metri inaltime .
Ultima editare de un moderator:


Well-Known Member
si a mea e plina de flori si boboci. Si sunt tare mandra ca e batranica deja, am trecut peste 3 ierni impreuna iar anul asta se intrece in inflorit.
Iar las sa vi-l inchipuiti singuri:

Uitandu-ma la ea, nu pot sa nu observ cat de mare e diferenta foliajului fata de plantele pe care le achizitionezi din magazine - se vede ca e o planta trecuta si prin perioade mai grele in decursul procesului de adaptare. Dar acum e bine si infloritoare :D


Well-Known Member
Ii lipseste magneziu de aia nu e verde inchisa , plante ca murraya , lamai si alte acidofile printre care si gardenia au nevoie de mult magneziu , atentie insa la udat , apa cu prea mult calcar blocheaza magneziu in sol

succes si la cat mai multe floricele :wink:


Well-Known Member
mersi. Si magneziu de unde? le dai separat??
La un moment dat adaugam Substral - regenerator pt plante in apa de udat ca supliment de Fe.


Well-Known Member
Nu ajunge ala nici cat negru sub unghie , vestitul EPSOM SALT , sau romanescul sare de magneziu e cel care vindeca , si se pune o lingurita la 2 l apa si se uda cu ea , apa trebuie sa fie calda sau dizolva sarea mai intai in paharel , altfel nu se dizolva usor si raman sedimente


Well-Known Member
mersi de pont, am vazut ca e sulfat de mg hidratat asa ca il gasesc usor. Si uite asa, am mai invatat ceva azi! :marfa:


Well-Known Member
What are Epsom Salts?
Epsom salts are a naturally occurring mineral. They were first discovered in Epsom, England, where they got their name. You can find cartons of Epsom salt in drug stores and groceries, either in with the laxatives or the sore muscle section.

What do Epsom Salts do for Plants?
Epsom salts contain hydrated magnesium sulfate, two elements crucial to plant growth. •Sulfur (13%) is crucial to the inner workings of plants, but it is almost never lacking in the soil, thanks in part to synthetic fertilizers and acid rain.

•Magnesium (10%) can become scarce in soil, usually because of erosion or depletion of the top soil or a pH imbalance. Some plants, like lettuce and spinach, don’t mind going without magnesium. Others may exhibit symptoms like leaf curing, stunted growth, that could be attributed to more than one cause. Magnesium deficiency has even been blamed as a cause for biter tomatoes.
In general, magnesium plays a role in strengthening the plant cell walls, allowing the plant to take in the nutrients it needs. It also aids in seed germination, photosynthesis and in the formation of fruits and seeds.

Do Epsom Salts Really Help Plants Grow Better?
Researchers have never been terribly impressed with the effects of Epsom salts on plants. Gardeners are a different story and the use of Epsom salts is a gardening tip passed down for generations. While many gardeners simply toss in a handful of Epsom salts at planting time, it really is wiser to test your soil first. Epsom salts are not going to cure an extreme magnesium deficiency. However, experienced gardeners have been swearing by Epsom salts for years, and folk wisdom is often ahead of scientific study. The three plants that benefit most from an application of magnesium in the form of Epsom Salts are: Tomatoes, Peppers and Roses. •Epsom Salt for Roses
Rose growers, in particular, are strong advocates for using Epsom salts. They claim it not only makes the foliage greener and more lush, it produces more canes and more roses. To apply to existing rose bushes, either mix ½ cup of Epsom salts into the soil around the rose bush and water well or dissolve ½ cup of the salts in water and use to water the rose bush. Do this in the spring, just as the bids are beginning to open.

For ongoing rose care, mix 1 T. of Epsom salts per gallon of water and apply as a foliar spray. You may need several gallons of water for larger rose bushes and climbers.

•Epsom Salts for Tomatoes and Peppers
Tomatoes and peppers may show signs of magnesium deficiency late in the season, when their leaves begin to yellow between the leaf veins and fruit production decreases. Whether you will get more and/or larger fruits will depend on many things in addition to using Epsom salts, but using them does seem to have some benefit.

Either mix in 1 T. of Epsom salts into the soil at the bottom of the planting hole when setting out transplants or mix the 1 T. in a gallon of water and water the seedling.

Follow-up with a foliar spray of 1T. per gallon of water when the plants start to flower and again when the young fruits start to form. Try it on a few plants and see if you can tell the difference as the season goes along.

Don’t worry about being exact as to when you apply the Epsom salts. This is a home gardening remedy and there are as many formulas as there are home gardens. Some gardeners only add Epsom salts at planting time. Others like to water or foliar feed with Epsom salts every other week. In this case I’d recommend a more dilute solution, mixing only 1 t. of salts per gallon of water. And some gardeners simply use the Epsom salts when they remember. It’s all good


Well-Known Member
gradinar1 a spus:
si a mea e plina de flori si boboci. Si sunt tare mandra ca e batranica deja, am trecut peste 3 ierni impreuna iar anul asta se intrece in inflorit.
Iar las sa vi-l inchipuiti singuri:

Uitandu-ma la ea, nu pot sa nu observ cat de mare e diferenta foliajului fata de plantele pe care le achizitionezi din magazine - se vede ca e o planta trecuta si prin perioade mai grele in decursul procesului de adaptare. Dar acum e bine si infloritoare :D
E foarte frumoasa ! imi imaginez si parfumul :visator: sa te bucuri de ea !


nu am mai rezistat tentatiei si am cumparat iar o gardenie.
e mare , stufoasa , lucioasa si plina de boboci.

cine are mila de ea si de nervii mei , este rugat sa ma ajute cu indicatii , sa o tin in viata.
adica : unde o asez , cat de des o ud , in camera sau la aer in balcon alte amanunte esentiale . :D
inca nu am gasit un raspuns pt inegrirea bobocilor si a frunzelor. multi au patit asta cu plantele lor si nu stiu daca e cauzat de mucegaiuri , acarieni , udare in exces sau altceva.

multumesc !