Aquilegia (din seminte)


Well-Known Member
Am inceput pe 30 martie experimentul cu semintele de aquilegia cumparate acum un an de la Touchwood. Intrucat anul trecut nu am putut sa ma ocup de flori, am pastrat semintele asa cum au venit, in ciuda riscului ca puterea lor de germinare sa scada. Semintele au fost colectate cel mai probabil in 2010, avand 2 ani vechime.

Pentru ca majoritate dintre voi mi-au spus ca au avut probleme cu aceste seminte, am avut indoieli legate de germinare lor. Astazi (dupa 2 saptamani) am vazut insa primele semne de germinare la 11 din soiurile comandate. Banuiesc ca si celelalte vor intra cat de curand in vegetatie si va voi tine la curent cu evolutia lor.

Odata cu semintele de la Touchwood, am pus in 2 alveole si seminte proaspete din vara 2011 de Songbird Dove (din gradina mea) si Nora Barlow (primite cadou de la Doina, careia ii multumesc inca o data). Ca o constatare, nu foarte conculdenta totusi, deoarece procesul de germinare e abia la inceput, aceste din urma seminte par sa fi germinat in cantitate mai mare. Pe de alta parte, am folosit si o cantitate mai mare de seminte din aceste varietati decat din cele de la Touchwood.

Postez cateva poze cu metoda mea de germinare. Semintele nu au fost puse la stratificat.

Eu am cinci fire din semintele comandate anul trecut in gradina ,am avut doua soiuri ,am pastrat cateva seminte si pentru primavara asta pentru ca mi-a fost frica sa nu pateasca ceva peste iarna in gradina si sa mai am ceva de rezerva ,le-am insamantat si vad ca au aparut trei firisoare ,eu am am avut noroc cu ele ,poate ca este si norocul incepatorului :)


Active Member
Am comandat și eu anul ăsta de la Touchwood. Le-am pus și eu în ghievece acum o lună, odată cu semințele primite de la tine și le-am lăsat într-un soi de miniseră (cold frame). Încă nu se văd ghivecele pentru că poza este făcută mai devreme de sădire.

(Cum se spune la o chestie de genul ăsta în română? În engleză este cold frame...)

Am pus semințele la suprafață în ghivece și peste am pus un strat de vermiculit... încă nu am niciun semn de germinare. Știu că înăuntru la 25 de grade germinează în aproximativ o lună. Am testat ceva semințe culese în vară din grădina botanică din cluj... însă mi lea ucis frigul.

Voi urma cu foarte mare curiozitate experimentul tău, pentru atât că am semințe de la tine cât și cele de la Touchwood.


Well-Known Member
Ca si Caramell, nici eu nu am reusit sa seman anul trecut aquilegiile de la Tuchwood, asa ca le-am semanat in iarna asta, dar nu-mi amintesc exact data, prin februarie :oops:
Tot atunci am semanat si semintele de Chrysantha si Songbird de la Caramell.

Ca rata de germinare...cele de la Caramell, mai proaspete, au germinat mult mai bine. Cele de la Touchwood...destul de pus cam 5 seminte in fiecare ghivecel, la majoritatea au germinat 1-2, rareori 3
Unele au germinat mai repede, cam in 2 saptamani, la altele a trecut chiar si o luna .


Well-Known Member
Probabil pentru ca sera ta este in exterior si fiind mai racoare dureaza ceva mai mult. Acum 3 ani am plantat semintele in iunie, afara, intr-o jardiniera. Au germinat dupa mai mult de o luna, desi in iunie temperaturile sunt mai ridicate decat acum.

In mini seara mea, apar diferente mari de temperatura intre zi si noapte. Am masurat acum, noaptea, temperatura si este de 20grade. Peste zi, cand bate soarele in geam, temperatura este mult mai ridicata, cred ca depaseste 30 grade. Voi verifica maine.


Well-Known Member
De unde ai luat minisera?
Ca si eu am o gramada de seminte (inclusiv de aquilegia) si m-am saturat de improvizatii.
Si daca tot am ramas fara violete si s-a facut loc la fereastra, ar fi cazul sa incerc si eu sa scap de seminte! :D


Well-Known Member
Gasesti in magazinele de profil diverse forme si calitati. Am cumparat in anii trecuti din Obi si Hornbach. Cele din poza sunt din Lidl, le-am gasit in oferta de acum o luna, la set de 4. Nu au cine stie ce calitate, dar nici ca-mi tb. mai mult.


Active Member
Nu va grabiti sa trageti concluzii, aquillegiile germineaza destul de greu, aveti rabdare cu ele..
Vedeti aici mai multe informatii despre germinarea lor

Aquilegia 'Biedermeier Mix' - Surface sow onto moist medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing use 70F(21C) days and 50F(10C) night germ in 1-4 weeks. Can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Dragon Fly Mix' - Surface sow onto moist medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing use 70F(21C) days and 50F(10C) night germ in 1-4 weeks. Can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Blue barlow' - Surface sow on moist seed medium, light needed for best results. Use 70-75F(21-24C) days and 40-50F(5-10C) nights. or use a steady 45F(7C). Germination starts in 1-4 weeks. Germination is spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia ‘William Guiness' Germinationis spread-out over 8 weeks, start at 39-55F(4-13C), after 4 weeks move to 68F(20C). Surface sow seeds, light needed for best results.

Aquilegia alpina - 8 weeks at 39F(4C), move to 68F(20C). Surface sow seeds, light needed for best results for germination.

Aquilegia atrata - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks covered with plastic. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Barlow Mixed' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best results. Use 70-75F(21-24C) days and 40-50F(5-10C) nights. Germination starts in 1-4 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Blue Barlow' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Use 70F(21C) days and 55-60F(13-15C) nights and bright light. Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia buergeriana 'Calimero' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best results. Use 70-75F(21-24C) days and 40-50F(5-10C) nights. Germination starts in 1-4 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia caerulea 'Kristall' -Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Use 70F(21C) days and 55-60F(13-15C) nights and bright light. Germination in 1-5 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia caerulea 'Red Hobbit' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Use 70F(21C) days and 45-50F(7-10C) nights and bright light. Germination starts in 1-5 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Cameo Blush Pink' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Use 70F(21C) days and 45-55F nights and bright light. Germination in 1-5 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia canadensis - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light neededfor best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks in a plastic baggy. (Or sow in a baggy with one table spoon moist seed mix and put in the fridge for three weeks). Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia canadensis 'Corbett' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light neededfor best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks in a plastic baggy. (Or sow in a baggy with one table spoon moist seed mix and put in the fridge for three weeks). Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanters' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks in a plastic baggy. (Or sow in a baggy with one table spoon moist seed mix and put in the fridge for three weeks). Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Chocolate Solder' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light neededfor best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks in a plastic baggy. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia chrysantha - Surface sow seeds onto moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks and is spreadout over a few weeks.

Aquilegia chrysantha 'Denver Gold' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Use 70F(21C), if no germination after three weeks put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks.

Aquilegia 'Danish Dwarf' - Surface sow seeds onto moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia flabellata ‘Blue Angel' - Surface sow seeds onto moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 60F(15C). Germination in 1-8 weeks.

Aquilegia flabellata 'Mini Star Blue' - Surface sow seeds onto moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 60F(15C). Germination in 1-8 weeks.

Aquilegia flabellata pumila 'Selection' - Surface sow seeds onto moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 60F(15C). Germination in 1-8 weeks.

Aquilegia flabellata 'White Angle' - Surface sow seeds onto moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 70F(21C) days and 50F(10C) nights. Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia fragrans - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best results. Use 70-75F(21-24C) days and 40-50F(5-10C) nights. Germination starts in 1-4 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Grandmothers Garden' - Surface sow on moist seed medium, light needed for best results. Use 70-75F(21-24C) days and 40-50F(5-10C) nights or use a steady 45F(7C). Germination starts in 1-4 weeks. Germination is spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Lavender and White' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks covered with plastic. Then move to 70F(21C) days and 50F(10C) nights. germination in 1-3 weeks.

Aquilegia 'Light Pink Tower' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks covered with plastic. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks.

Aquilegia 'Lime Frost' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks covered with plastic. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks.

Aquilegia 'McKana Giants' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Then move to 70F(21C) days in bright light.and 55-60F(13-15C) nights. Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Mrs. Scott Elliott's Strain' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best results. Use 70-75F(21-24C) days and 40-50F(5-10C) nights. Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Music Red & White' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Use 70F(21C) days and 55-60F(13-15C) nights and bright light. Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks. If no results move to 32-39F(0-4C) for 3weeks.

Aquilegia 'Music Red and Gold' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks covered with plastic. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia rockii - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge for three weeks covered with plastic. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks. Germination can be spread out over many weeks.

Aquilegia 'Snow Queen' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Use 70F(21C), if no germination after three weeks put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks.

Aquilegia 'Song Bird Mixed' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Use 70F(21C), if no germination after three weeks put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-4 weeks.

Aquilegia vulgaris - 8 weeks at 39F(4C), move to 68F(20C). Surface sow seeds, light needed for best results. for germination.

Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Tower Light Blue' Use 8 weeks at 39F(4C), move to 68F(20C). Surface sow seeds, light needed for best results.

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Black Barlow' - Germination is spread-out over 8 weeks at 39-55F(4-13C), then move to 68F(20C) Surface sow seeds, light needed for best results.

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clematiflora Hybrids' - Surface sow seeds on to moist seed medium, light needed for best germination. Use 70F(21C), if no germination after three weeks put in fridge for three weeks. Then move to 70F(21C) days and 50F(10C) nights. Germination in 1-4 weeks.

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nora Barlow' - Germination is spread-out over 8 weeks at 39-55F(4-13C), then move to 68F(20C). Surface sow seeds, light needed for best results.

Aquilegia vulgaris plena 'Ruby Port' - Germination is spreadout over 8 weeks at 39-55F(4-13C), then move to 68F(20C). Surface sow seeds, light needed for best results for germination.

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Woodside Strain' - Germination is spreadout over 8 weeks at 39-55F(4-13C), then move to 68F(20C). Surface sow seeds, light needed for best results for germination.

Aquilegia yabeana - Surface sow onto moist medium, light needed for best germination. After sowing put in fridge three weeks. Move to 70F(21C). Germination in 1-3 weeks. Can be spread out over many weeks.


Well-Known Member
Doina, sunt foarte interesante informatiile postate de tine. Multumesc :D

P.S. Am transformat eu gradele Fahrenheit in Celsius, ca sa fie mai pe intelesul nostru. Sper sa nu te superi ca mi-am permis sa modific astfel postul tau.


Active Member
Caramell a spus:
Doina, sunt foarte interesante informatiile postate de tine. Multumesc :D

P.S. Am transformat eu gradele Fahrenheit in Celsius, ca sa fie mai pe intelesul nostru. Sper sa nu te superi ca mi-am permis sa modific astfel postul tau.
Chiar iti multumesc pentru asta!! :D


Well-Known Member
Dupa 3 saptamani (alveole numerotate de jos in sus A - B - C -D/ stanga-dreapta alveole 1...6:

1 ---- 2 ---- 3 ---- 4 ---- 5 ---- 6

In alveola C1: cele mai multe seminte germinate, aprox 90%. Sunt seminte de Songbird Dove din gradina mea, seria 2011.

In alveolele D3-4-5-6: mix aquilegia Mrs. Scott Elliot (furnizor Vilmorin), din comert. A germinat o singura samanta.

In restul alveolelor sunt seminte de la Touchwood.


Well-Known Member
Deci e clar ca prospetimea semintelor influenteaza rata de germinatie! Bine de stiut :D
Eu mai am cateva semincioare de la Touchwood, o sa le seman prin mai, ca la unele varietati mi-a rasarit doar cate o plantuta :| Mi-e necaz mai ales de Fragrant Fantasy, deja visam un lan de caldaruse parfumate :(


Well-Known Member
claude a spus:
Deci e clar ca prospetimea semintelor influenteaza rata de germinatie! Bine de stiut :D
Eu mai am cateva semincioare de la Touchwood, o sa le seman prin mai, ca la unele varietati mi-a rasarit doar cate o plantuta :| Mi-e necaz mai ales de Fragrant Fantasy, deja visam un lan de caldaruse parfumate :(
La aceeasi concluzie am ajuns si eu, Claudia. Cu cat sunt mai proaspete semintele cu atat par sa germineze mai bine.

Eu am in Fragrant Mix in A4. Au germinat 8 seminte.
Nu au germinat deloc aquilegia Biedermeyer, Honeydew si William Guines. Le mai astept 2 saptamani si daca nu vor sa rasara, le mut in frigider. :)


Well-Known Member
:rofl: Deci le treci la soc, sa se trezeasca!

Ale mele au stat peste iarna la racoare, nu inghet dar rece cam ca in frigider, asa ca m-am gandit ca nu e cazul sa le stratific...dar poate e o solutie buna la semintele care nu-s proaspete :gandit:


Well-Known Member
Da, afara s-ar putea sa dureze vreo 8 saptamani. Mentine in permanenta pamantul umed.

Am masurat temperatura in minisera, ziua, cand bate soarele in geam. Sunt 44C, pare totusi sa nu le deranjeze, atata timp cat umiditatea este mare...


Active Member
Sunt confuz.

Am semne de germinare. Vreo 10 din cele 50 de ghivece și majoritatea sunt semințele de latine.